5 ноября 2010 г.

5'tipoèміje (Пятипоэмие)

Vraie poésie du Proche-Orient

Amman, Jordanie. Paris Square.

Le soleil brille et je suis "aware".

Les oiseaux chantent et nous sommes assis

En mangeant de la glace - c'est bien ici.

Il y a des filles, il y a des garçons

Qui rient et parlent d'une joyeuse façon

En se regardant; mais il n'y a pas d'approche -
Pas ou peu d'amour libre dans l'Orient-Proche.

L'un des garçons tient une rose.

Le scénario semble classique, tout comme en prose.

Il veut donner la fleur à la fille qu'il aime,
Mais il hésite. - A une fois vingtième.

Jusqu'à ce que les filles lentement s'éloignent.
Dans une minute elles seront loin.

Cours après! C'est n'est pas trop tard!
Mais les filles déjà marchent le long du boulevard.

Pourquoi ne pouvais-tu pas dire ces trois mots
Et te tiens maintenant en croquant le marmot?

Mais alors, alors je ne me souviens

Pas ce que signifie aimer vraiment.

(c) 28.10.10


This highway stretches on and on.
I walk along, king of the road.
A free-born man looks at the dawn.
My glowing heart has no abode.

So many wonders to behold,
To find adventures in this quest!
I'm daredevil, I am told.
"Tonight, my friend, just be our guest".

Between the devil and the sea
I risk, I lose, I stop to think
Of words of wisdom - "let it be"
And laugh at things without a blink.

The blackest hour of the dark
Is that before the break of day.
The sky's on fire; hear - a lark!
Around the corner there's a way!

You found me when all was lost,
My love, my catcher in the rye.
Shall our paths again be crossed?
We hug and, blessed, we say good-bye.

I follow voices through the door,
I love, but leave my love behind
To learn that what I'm looking for
Has been already in my mind.

My aching heart wants to go back
To lie in softness of that grass
Under that tree, to play that track.
But it's so far away, alas!

I'll start all over once again
With nothing, memory erased.
I'll smell the jasmine, feel the rain,
Sage tea will have a richer taste.

Heather will bloom and snow will fall
On mountaintops, so pure and white.
The fear's gone, I hear a call.
The flute will take me on a flight.

And up above, high in the sky
Against the backdrop of the night
I see a sea of souls and try
To look at things in Allah's light.

I'm one of them - so far away,
All spinning, smiling, dancing on.
I'm one with them. And I will stay
Until I am at last but gone.

Please, keep for me your fingers crossed.
I do not want to hit a wall.
It's better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

Death cannot kill what never dies.
Love lives in one another still.
The night is deep, the crescent shines,
But the sun's comin' over the hill.

(c) 27.10.10


Статусом фейсбука, твитом,
Строчкой имейла, абзацем блога,
Пикселями фотографий,
Секундой видео
Ты останешься в памяти
Моей и миллионов,
Плачущих о твоей любви.

(с) 09.09.10

Беларуская восень

Дзе ты, беларуская восень?
Дзе верасня праменчыкі?
Я чакаў вас доўга-доўга,
Чырвонага клёна агенчыкі.

Дзе ты, туман на возеры?
Дзе ты, мая павуцінка?
Дзе вы, халодныя ночанькі,
Журавіны - балота крывінка?

Дзе шэрае неба і дожджык?
Дзе ціхі рух у калёсах?
Дзе кветачкі фіялетавыя,
Нібы зорачкі ў нябёсах?

Сумую па вас вельмі-вельмі,
Быццам жыву ў палоне.
Думкамі з вамі я, й сэрцам,
І з васількамі ў далоне.

(с) 09.09.10

Das Feuer brennt in dem Kamin

Was ist zu sagen? Alles klar.
Es schneit in dichten Flocken.
Die Welt ist hübsch und wunderbar.
Von mir bleiben Brocken.

Wie ist die Wüste? Immer heiß?
Wie sind die Dattelpalmen?
Bei uns ist alles kalt und weiß,
Ich lese jetzt die Psalmen.

Ich denke dauernd an dich.
Die Weihnachtsatmosphäre
Bringt Friede, Lied, beruhigt mich.
Die Luft ist voll von Mären.

Und Friede einst am Heiligland -
Ich möchte das sehr trauen.
Wir sitzen hier, Hand im Hand,
Aufs Schnee im Fenster schauen.

(c) 29.10.10

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