5 сентября 2013 г.

The Parable About The Treasure Hunt

Rigden: There is an interesting parable about a treasure hunt. Once upon a time, a Wise man was passing by a village. He told the villagers there that countless treasures were hidden under the ground directly below their main square. Whoever uncovers them will find not only wealth, but also they will never be the same again. The villagers rejoiced at this news. There was much debate and lengthy discussions, but finally the residents decided to excavate the main square and dig up the treasures all together. Armed with tools, they began to dig. However, after a while, when they still had not found the results from their labour which they had expected, the villagers’ enthusiasm began to fade. The first people to abandon the excavations were the ones who talked a lot; rather than actually do anything themselves to find the treasures they only tried to tell others how they should work. These were followed by the people who got quickly exhausted by this hard work. They decided these treasures could not be worth all this effort. There were others who started finding pieces of broken tiles, ancient crockery, and old coins. They hid what they had found from the rest, thinking these were the real treasures and soon they too quit the job. Other people simply enjoyed the experience of the treasure hunt. They believed that these feelings of joy in searching must be the treasures promised by the Wise man. Eventually, though as time dragged on and round them only rocks and mud were strewn, their joy evaporated. So they turned their backs on this task for which they proved to be just too weak in spirit.

As time went on, many of the remaining people started to doubt the possibility of success in their search. They began thinking that they had become prey to some deception or a mere myth. The villagers started leaving the treasure hunt site one by one. And only those few who were fixed on the goal, who worked diligently and hard, found their treasures in the end. But after they had found the treasures, none of them was seen in this village. Meanwhile, the failed treasure hunters continued justifying themselves for the rest of their lives, and explaining why they had not stayed with everyone back then. After all, it had been a chance to change their miserable lives for the better. Some spent the rest of their lives searching out that Wise man, who had originally revealed the secret of the treasure, hoping they could find out what the treasures looked like, where they were and how they could be found."
Now, the treasure is the spiritual transformation of man. To achieve that, you need to persistently refine yourself in each day. However, not everyone who is attracted by the prospect of this spiritual path will reach the end of it because the path involves internal changes. The first ones to leave the path are those who talk much, but do nothing to transform themselves. Then these are followed by people looking for easy successes. Still others depart from the spiritual path because they are led astray by abilities that they discover in themselves, which satisfy their feelings of significance in this world. They are followed by those who find pleasure in the very process of searching for the meaning of life but do not understand themselves and as a result they find nothing. Finally, those who doubt themselves, and doubt the sage who revealed the spiritual truth to them, and who even doubt the Truth itself also walk away from the spiritual path. All these people interpret the spiritual path in some way which benefits them in this material world. It is only those who walk with pure and sincere intentions right to the end, persistent in their spiritual labour, transforming themselves in each day, only they find spiritual treasures in life that make it possible for them to escape into another world. The parable teaches us that quite often people follow a spiritual path but they are still merely seeking personal successes of this world which is temporary for them. They choose this instead of seeking their spiritual treasures which open to them a way to Eternity.

The Parable from the book "AllatRa" by Anastasia Novykh. Translated from Russian by Alex Quartalny.

Full text of the book (in Russian) can be found at:

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